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Non-Surgical Sciatica Treatment Options

Written By Belleview Spine and Wellness on May 14, 2023

Sciatica Treatment Options

If your sciatica symptoms are keeping you from working, exercising, sleeping, and taking part in your hobbies, you may be able to find relief through chiropractic care. Chiropractic sciatica treatment is non-surgical and doesn’t rely on the use of prescription drugs to provide relief of symptoms. Non-surgical sciatica treatment options in Greenwood Village include: 

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments are safe, gentle, manual adjustments of the muscles and spine. One of our chiropractors will use their hands or an instrument to stretch, align, and balance your limbs and body parts so that the spine is in proper alignment. This can decrease pressure on the sciatic nerve, reducing common sciatica symptoms like burning pain, numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness.

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression is another non-surgical, non-invasive sciatica treatment option. While you lie fully clothed on a comfortable, motorized traction table, one of our chiropractors controls its movements using a computer. The table gently moves and stretches your limbs and spine, so that you shift into alignment. Like chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression reduces pressure on the sciatic nerve and lumbar spine. 

Therapeutic Exercises & Stretches

Our chiropractors may recommend that you do therapeutic exercises and stretches at home to continue your treatment between chiropractic appointments. These exercises strengthen the core muscles that support the spine.

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy is a form of soft-tissue massage therapy that focuses on releasing tension, reducing pain and inflammation, easing stiffness and loss of range of motion, and improving mobility. If your sciatica symptoms have made it hard for you to sit, stand, walk, or lie down, trigger point therapy can help you get back on your feet, pain-free.

Custom Orthotics

Custom orthotics can greatly reduce lower back pain, which is one of the most common sciatica symptoms. Once our chiropractors have realigned your spine and helped you strengthen the muscles that support the lower back, orthotics can improve balance and posture. By providing support and reducing the stress and tension of everyday activities, orthotics can reduce pain and improve your body’s foundation of support for the spine.

Schedule an Appointment for Sciatica Treatment in Greenwood Village

If you want to get an official diagnosis of sciatica or begin sciatica treatment in Greenwood Village, come see us at Belleview Spine and Wellness. We have two chiropractors and a medical doctor on staff who can diagnose sciatica, determine the underlying cause of your symptoms, and develop a personalized sciatica treatment plan to ease your symptoms and get you back to your normal life. You can call us at (303) 771-3102 or schedule your appointment online. 

Posted In: Adjustments Chiropractic Sciatica Treatment